Friday, July 27, 2012

Casablanca Kebab House (2/114)

Yanfen got some coupons in the mail which had a coupon for Casablanca. After googling it, we realized that it was actually right next to us on green street! We pass by it everyday and never noticed it!

The restaurant was a bit barren when we walked in at 11:30 but it looked cute with all the camel and pyramid pictures. It even smelled like spices

They had a pretty big menu compared to Doodles but everything looked really expensive.. Worst thing is, we were only allowed to use our coupon for the most expensive ones, lame!

So in the end we both went for the Daily Lunch Special...

Yanfen had no clue what to order so she went for the number one: Casablanca Aloo Roll
Tiffany ordered the {  }
The roll came out wrapped in aluminum foil and cut in half. It also had a salad, some fries and ketchup (Yanfen thought this would be some cool red sauce but was disappointed)

Closeup of the food! Yanfen's is on the top and Tiffany's on the bottom

Tiffany trying her fries - YUM!
The fries were very indian-ish. It had an interesting salty batter around it, very different but really good!!

The salad was just lettuce. Yanfen didn't get to taste her salad because there was a little fly crawling in it... Tiffany then proceeded to mash the entire salad in an attempt to kill it...

Yanfen trying to figure out how to unwrap it...

Taking the first bite!

We both thought the food was pretty good, but Yanfen had a hard time eating it. It kept falling apart!

In the middle of our meal, our PI and several other professors in our department stormed into the restaurant. We said an awkward hi and hightailed it out of there, each full after eating only half of the roll. Professors eat lunch on campus? That's a strange thought, aren't they suppose to have a super secret professor cafeteria somewhere?

Final Review

Taste Price/Food Worth Fullness Factor Overall recommendation
Yanfen   9       5  11 It was pretty expensive for lunch but you do get 2 meals out of it. The fries were SO good.
Tiffany   7       5  11  Fries were really good; it was denser than normal fries. Chicken had a weird flavor but I liked the naan bread that they used.

Casablanca Kabab House on Urbanspoon  

Price Check

Day 2:

Tiffany: $0(Thanks Yanfen!)
Yanfen: $17.45

Tiffany: $7.50
Yanfen: $23.20

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