Sunday, July 29, 2012

Spoon House (3/114)

For lunch today we were joined by our first special guest reviewer- Tina! To celebrate her birthday, we went to Spoon House, a Korean restaurant on Green St. It has a pretty cute sign out on the front with tons of signs featuring their specials.

When you walk in, you're hit by the vibrant colors and extremely cute styling. The place was packed with college kids - enough to feel welcomed, but not too crowded that the food took ages to get, the perfect balance!
Cute floating pom-poms!
Crowded with college kids!

There's no paper menu; instead they have a screen showing all their options. They have classic Korean dishes, as well as Korean fusion tacos and burritos. We stuck with more classical options with Tiffany getting the Bi Bim Bap(20), while Yanfen and Tina getting Kim-Chi Jjigae(24) with pork. They also had free raddish kimchi on the counter!
The BibimBap with hot sauce

The Jjigae!

 The food came pretty fast, almost as if this was a fast food restaurant!

 Yanfen didn't know how to eat her jjigae so Tina had to show her. Apparently you stick the rice in the soup and eat it.
Tina trying the rice in the jjigae

Tina trying the radish kimchi

Tiffany mixed up her bibimbap with some hot sauce.
A blurry but mixed bibimbap

Final Review

We decided to get rid of the tabled review and write something a bit more informative! 

Environment - 7.5/10

The restaurant was very colorful. It was very vibrant and beautifully decorated and was extremely clean! It reminded Yanfen of a school classroom with all the pompoms on the ceiling.

The workers stayed behind the counter, but they seemed pretty nice.

It had a very casual feel, not recommended for a date but is a good place to hang out with friends! 

Bi Bim Bap (20) - Tiffany

Tiffany pouring sesame oil on the bibimbap
 Taste - 5/10
 The bibimbap didn't taste bad, but it tasted and felt more Americanized than the traditional Korean dish. Instead of Korean vegetables, there was lettuce, diced carrots, cucumbers, shitake mushrooms, white rice and beansprouts in a Korean Spicy sauce. There was also a fried egg on top, cooked all the way through. Usually I like it sunny-side up, with the other food/bowl sooooo hot that it cooks most of it. I also felt that there was way to much rice/vegetable ratio compared to other places. The beef was pretty good, I liked the flavor but it was bordering on dry.

Price Worth- 2.5/10    
It was pretty pricy at $8.50 compared to the other places we ate so far.

Fullness Factor- 5/10
Definitely less full than Casablanc.

Kim-Chi Jjigae - Yanfen

Chopping on Tofu!
Taste - 3/10
I've never had kim-chi jjigae before but I've always wanted to try it since there are a lot of youtube videos about it. I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this.

The soup was very sour and didn't really taste like kim-chi to me. The entire bowl only had kim-chi, tofu and occasionally some pork. There was not enough meat at all!

Price Worth- 2/10
I didn't like the soup so I didn't drink it. Depending on the amount of actual food you get, it definitely wasn't worth $8.50! Especially since kim-chi and tofu are really cheap and the pork they give you is so miniscule.

Fullness Factor- 2/10
I felt like I didn't eat anything..

Kim-Chi Jjigae -Tina the guest reviewer

Taste - 3/10

I've tried this soup dish before and remember it being less watery and less sour. Maybe this is because the traditional recipe uses red pepper flakes? I'd definitely recommend going somewhere else if you want more authentic (and less sour!) soup.  

I agree with Yanfen: the kim-chi in the soup didn't really taste like kim-chi. In fact, the radish kim-chi tasted off too, but it is free. Along with kim-chi, the bowl also has tofu and very little pork pieces (may have to fish for the pieces in the soup). 

Price Worth- 2/10
If I didn't have rice (props for the yummy sticky Korean rice), I don't think I could've finished the soup. The $8.50 price is really not worth it, since most of the soup is sour water with few ingredients.  

Fullness Factor- 5/10 
I felt kinda full..but it was mainly from the sour soup..


Price Check

Day 3:

Tiffany: ~$8.50 (We lost the receipt..)
Yanfen: $19.56 (Paid for Tina)
Tina: 0 (Thanks Yanfen!)

Tiffany: $16
Yanfen: $42.76

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